Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Ken Middleton

We are sad to share the news of the death of longstanding and oldest member of this group, Ken Middleton, who died on 20 November after a stroke three weeks earlier.
Ken was very dear to the group, our intellectual anchor. President, Treasurer and discussion leader many times over, his talents were also used at the highest level. He was National Treasurer for three years from 1987 of the then-named Community Aid Abroad.
An accountant by training, he rose to a senior academic position in University of Melbourne, though not without setbacks: twice he was fired from jobs over his commitment to conscientious objection during the Second World War.

Ken walked the first Walk Against Want in 1967: an incredible 45 kilometres through the night from Melbourne to Frankston.
He started a monthly market stall at Kallista Market that gave the group a visible community presence for many years.

Ken was the inspiration for social justice action in this group. As members & friends we are proud to have known him.

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